Community Rhythms

We are a community of faith on the Nelson landscape, discerning our "step by step" journey as a faithful Christian presence in our city, our neighbourhoods, civic spaces, indigenous lands and peoples and world with the shared faith and resources God has entrusted to us.

We do it all in the name of Jesus.

Riffing on Jesus' description of faith community as a vine and branches, one of the earliest architects of its expression described Jesus' church as a body. There are many parts. There is much diversity. The discovery for us is not how we can all do the same things, but rather, where we fit.

Simply put, this whole thing looks like communal obedience to Christ: saying "yes" to Him and then being faithful. "Let's just stay in our lane" is one way we say it. Being comfortable in our own skin allows us to play our part within the larger universal Church without pretense, competition or the need to perform. We love the whole church. We love our city.
